NemuSVC.exe is a part of NemuInterface and developed by NetEase Corporation, according to the NemuSVC.exe file information.
NemuSVC.exe's description is 'NemuInterface'.
NemuSVC.exe is digitally signed by NetEase Corporation.
Easy to run multiple accounts for same game or play. Multiple games on different instances simultaneously. DOWNLOAD Version 7.5.5 2021.06.30 Video. Release Archive Offline Installer. MEmu is an Android emulator that allows you to use your favorite mobile apps and games on your PC. Playing video games and a mobile device is a lot of fun. There are a lot of titles out there designed specifically for smart phones and tablets. The video game industry advanced to a point where you can play games with stunning.
NemuSVC.exe is an .exe file.
NemuSVC.exe is usually located in the following folder:
System Information:
Your machine is currently running: Windows XP XP
Outbyte PC Repair utility is compatible with your operating system.
NemuSVC.exe basic information
NemuSVC.exe running processes
NemuSVC.exe actions
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NemuSVC.exe can create new files and directories in the Windows registry. Check your system's performance and eliminate file conflicts and junk.
NemuSVC.exe's virus check
of antivirus scans don't detect any virus in it
of antivirus scans detect it as a potentially unwanted program
of antivirus scans detect a virus in it
NemuSVC.exe user rating
of users rate NemuSVC.exe as a useful program
of users find NemuSVC.exe to be a potentially unwanted program
of users find NemuSVC.exe to be malicious or a scam
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Fix system elements
Eliminate file conflicts
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